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Board Member Spotlight
At Mattel FCU, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with an amazing group of volunteers as our Board of Directors. Michael Palumbo is a wonderful example of the leadership we have. Michael first joined our group of Volunteers about nine years ago on our Supervisory Committee. When a spot opened up on our Board of Directors, he made to decision to go all in and we couldn't be more grateful. Here are some fun facts about him:
What separates Mattel Federal Credit Union from other financial institutions?
The people, plain and simple. Everyone I get to interact with from the Board to the Employees to the Members, all have an unmatched passion for the Credit Union. I've never seen that in another financial institution. I love being part of something where the Member's best interests are most important. All the decisions we make have them at the top of the list when considering the path to take.
What is your favorite pastime?
Playing sports. I've always been an athlete and willing to play anything. I played volleyball in college but have recently taken up ice hockey (and I didn't know how to skate when I started!)
What is your favorite TV show or movie or novel?
The movie Braveheart. Whenever I catch even a second of it, I have to see it until the end. I still get teary-eyed when he calls out "Freedom!"
What special talent do you have?
Is patience a talent? If so, that's it! I have 3 daughters so you can see how important that is to have.
What is your favorite place you have traveled to?
Florence, Italy. My grandparents are Italian so they used to tell me stories about it growing up. When I was finally able to visit there, all the beautiful things they mentioned came to life.
What is your favorite quote and why?
"Control what you can control". When things get hectic and seem impossible to manage, saying these words seems to put everything in perspective.